Category: Uncategorized

A Decade of Voices: 10 Years of Empowering Aphasia Victoria’s Community

Aphasia Victoria invites; people with aphasia, their carers, community allies and those working in the aphasia space to join us in celebrating our 10-year anniversary. We are excited to host this free event to celebrate and support the aphasia community.  This event is an opportunity to meet other people with aphasia, carers, speech pathologists and academics working in […]

Conversation, Community, Connection event.

Join us for an event supporting the aphasia community. Saturday 21 October. Aphasia Victoria are excited to host an event to celebrate and support the aphasia community.  We will be celebrating our recent ‘Conversation, Connection, Community’ campaign videos, which provides communication tips on how to better support those living with aphasia.  This event is also an opportunity to meet other people with […]