Dr Marcella Carragher

Deputy Treasurer and Professional Committee Member, Aphasia Victoria Committee

Marcella worked as a speech and language therapist in the north west of England, working with adults with acquired neurological conditions across acute and subacute wards, outpatients and community visits. Marcella became interested in the experience of people living with chronic aphasia following-stroke, in particular how therapy could impact on aspects of everyday life.

After completing a PhD at Manchester University, Marcella returned to clinical work before moving to Melbourne, Australia in June 2014.

Since then, Marcella has completed various research roles at La Trobe University, including working on two national trials:

  • the ASK study (led by Prof Linda Worrall) and,
  • COMPARE (led by Prof Miranda Rose).

Her research interests include everyday communication for people with aphasia and the life roles they engage in.